Category Archives: Life

How Linkedin found me a job

In my previous blog, I stated how I started looking for a Psychiatric Technician job. I’ve been searching online for all positions near where I live but turned out to be unsuccessful.

I check my e-mail daily and I received an e-mail from Linkedin regarding someone connecting to me. It’s been awhile since I updated my Linkedin profile so I updated it.

Couple hours later after updating my information, I thought of an idea, what if I search for ‘Psychiatric Technician’ on Linkedin? I didn’t know that Linkedin can be used to advertise that a company is hiring. I found this company that is currently hiring for their new facility, so I read and researched their company to see if this company will fit into my liking.

I went to their website and applied. I received an e-mail after one day and they want to set up a date and time to where I can come in for an interview. When I arrived at their location, they have my Linkedin profile printed placed on the table. The interviewer looked at it and read my work experience and asked me interview questions.

Update your Linkedin profile, just in case your interviewer looks at it. This is an online resume like bio, it saved the interviewer some time with asking me questions regarding my work experiences.

I’m just excited to begin my Psychiatric Technician life. To provide quality care to people who are less fortunate.

  • I do not work for Linkedin nor get paid to advertise their website.

How 2017 is treating me

At the beginning of the year, we usually do a new year resolution and see how we do them. This 2017, I did not do any resolution. However, what I did is see how many accomplishment am I going to finish. 2017 has been treating me right, so far.

Let’s start with car pay-off. I bought my car in October 2012 after my 1988 Camry hand-me-down keeps giving up on me. I finally paid off my 2012 Camry first week of September.

Second, I graduated as a Psychiatric Technician in May. Psychiatric Technician provide care to people who have mental illness and/or developmental disabilities. In August, I took my licensure exam and after 9 days, I received my result with a ‘Pass’. I paid the required fee to process my license and after two weeks, I received my license in the mail.

Also, I’ve been working in the same place for five years. Who knew that I would work there for five years. They say that if you love what you do, you wouldn’t know that you are working.

Recently, I started job hunting. Looking for new places where I can apply what I learned in class in real world. There are couple places that called me back and couple more places that I aim to work at. I recently said yes to one company to work for.

2017 has been treating me well with life. I’m thankful for this wonderful year and hopefully an even wonderful 2018.

However, there is one thing that I haven’t been doing, which is photography. I’ve been busy with school and work that I forget to document my life events. Maybe, this can be my new year resolution for 2018. 🙂

Youtube to Stream Royal Wedding Live

This will be the biggest broadcast that Youtube will do, with 2 BILLION expected to watch online via their mobile, laptop, desktop, the web, etc.

Youtube plans to live stream the wedding of Britain’s Prince William and Kate Middleton on April 29. Youtube will run for four hours beginning 10 a.m. BST (9:00 a.m. GMT, 2:00 a.m. PT, 5:00 a.m. ET). It will cover the balcony appearance and the aircraft ceremony.

Google already outlined with 3D Street View the route to and from Westminster Abbey.

The live stream, hosted on the official Royal Channel, will run for four hours beginning at 10 a.m. BST (9:00 a.m. GMT, 2:00 a.m. PT, 5:00 a.m. ET). It will follow the pair’s journey to and from Westminister Abbey (which Google has already outlined with 3D Street View), the Wedding Service, balcony appearance and aircraft ceremony.