Two years ago, I wrote a simple BMI Calculator. Since then, readers were asking for the code but I couldn’t find it so I wrote a new code for it. This time I will add the code here so it’s available for all to use.
Category Archives: Project
Visual Basic: Tax Calculator
This is my fourth Visual Basic 2010 Project – A simple tax calculator, just enter the amount and it will show you the tax for the amount and the total amount. Tax is based on 7.75%.
Next update will be able to change the tax.
If you want to try this out, I have included the download link.
Visual Basic: Stopwatch Timer with Save Function
This is my third Visual Basic 2008 Project – Stopwatch timer with a saved .txt function.
If you want to try this out, I have included the download link.
You can save your time if you want to.
Visual Basic: Simple Notepad – WhitePad
For my second Visual Basic Project, I have made a simple notepad. I call it the WhitePad.
More updates will be posted soon. Do you want the source code? Comment below and I’ll give it to you.
Visual Basic: Body Mass Index Calculator
BMI Calculator is my first project using Visual Basic 2008.
Here is a screenshot of what I did, it is fully coded. If you want the source code for it, please do comment saying that you want it.
What this includes is when a user calculates his/her height and width, it will show if the user is underweight, normal, overweight, or obese.
My next update for this is adding a choice between kilograms or pounds.
Here’s the code.
UPDATE: Updated BMI download link.