Category Archives: Life

Season of Giving – Day 3

December 3rd. Sunday

Sunday. Nothing to do, my day to be lazy as it was my day off from my job. It’s December and I have not decorated the house for the holidays. So today, I decided to put up our Christmas lights and Christmas tree.

That’s my giving for today, be in the Christmas spirit. Hopefully, I can give more to the community in the next days or so.

How are you giving back to your community?

Season of Giving – Day 2

December 2nd.

Saturday. Time for myself and do what I love, exploring the nature. Our nature has given us a lot, I decided to give back to nature by picking up trash as I hike the beautiful coastal area of Southern California.

Why can’t we pick up after ourselves? Is it that hard to throw our garbage in the trash disposal? How hard is it to hold our trash until we get to a trash bin?
I’m annoyed to see litters on the trail whether it’s cigarette butts, water bottle, banana peels, etc, can we hold on to it until we see a trash bin. Why? Why do we do this?

Nature has provides us with magnificent surroundings, let’ s keep it that way. Keep it clean.

How are you giving back to others?

Season of giving – Day 1

It’s the 1st of December and 30 days left until 2017 is over. I decided to finish 2017 with happiness for myself and giving happiness to others. I decided to do 31 days of happiness.

December 1, 2017

Do something nice to people. I decided to give my coworker some snacks to just lift the spirit of giving. A simple things that I know that I made someone’s stomach happy. I know what that person loves to snack on so why not surprise that person randomly.

Season of giving doesn’t have to be fancy. A simple things will do especially knowing that you made someone happy.

How would you fulfill the rest of 2017?

Where’s your Friend?

What happened to your so-called friends? The one that you helped moved, the one that you taught how to drive, the one that you helped when they needed it?

Were you used by them? Did they just vanish after they felt satisfied with the help you gave.  After they befriended you, they used some of your resources to their advantage. You think you’re being helpful to them, but in reality, you’re being used by them.

Do you wonder how they are doing in life? Are they still partying every weekends? Did they find a better job? Or maybe continue their education?

Don’t be sad that they’re not going out with you or partying with you. Be glad that they’re not anymore. Why? Because they’re the friends that you don’t want to associate with.

Have a friend that can gain from both. Have a mature friend that is focused on life.

You know what sucks? They will suddenly appear and be your friend again if they need your help, once again.

Ask yourself, are they really your friends?

Psychiatric Technician

Psychiatric Technician, what is it?

What do they do? Who do they take care of? Under what board do they follow? Where do they work?

According to psychtechs.orgPsychiatric Technicians are mental health employees who provide hands-on care to people with varying degrees of mental illnesses and/or developmental disabilities. They perform a vital, front-line function in all healthcare settings as they observe, treat and interact with patients — often more than any other staff.

Psych Techs are under the BVNPT, which falls under the Vocational Nursing or LVN.

In other words, LVNs are 75% nursing, 25% psych and Psych Techs are 75% psych, 25% nursing.

Psych Techs can work in a state hospital, jail/prison settings, group home/facility, psychiatric hospital.

If you want to help individuals who has mental illness, such as: depression, schizophrenia, bipolar or with developmental disability, such as: autism, then Psych Tech is for you. You will enjoy this field working with these individuals.

In California, there are several colleges that offer Psychiatric Technician class. Check your local community college for classes.