Two famous YouTuber are having a growdown, to see who can grow the biggest tomato until August 1. I am unofficially joining their contest and try and beat them.
Category Archives: Garden
Epsom Salt Use in Garden
Epsom salt is the best kept secret from gardeners. It had been used for many generations.
Epsom salt helps improve flower bloom and enhance plants greening. Also, it can help plant grow bushier by using magnesium and sulfur.
Magnesium allows plants to better take in nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus. It also helps with creation of chlorophyll. Also, magnesium greatly improves a plant’s ability to produce flowers and fruit. If the soil loses magnesium, adding Epsom salt will greatly help.
Rose, tomatoes and peppers require a lot of magnesium.
With roses, you can apply a spray of 1 tablespoon per gallon of water for each foot of the shrub’s height.
For tomatoes and peppers, apply 1 tablespoon per gallon of Epsom salt during transplanting and again following the first bloom and fruit set.
Underwatered Plant Update
As you know from the last post, my tomato plant is looking sad and dry. If neglected with water, leaves are wilting and looking sad. I took actions right away and the result was noticable in just couple hours.
Underwatered Plant
So you have your plant and you forgot to water them for couple days, by the time you noticed your plant is wilted and looking sad. Just like the photo below.
Transplanting Plants to a Larger Container
So, you just bought plants from a garden center or a nursery and it’s in a small container. At this time, your plants needs room to grow and transplanting is the only way to get bigger. I’ll help you transplant it to a larger container.
You will need a large container, 5 gallons or larger with holes in the bottom of the container, fertilizer/compost, medium, worm casting.
If you just bought a plant from a garden center and it’s located indoors, you will need to harden the plant before fully putting them outdoors. Click here to learn how to harden plants.
With your medium, mix with compost/fertilizer. I like my medium fast draining so I add perlite to my soil. You can add worm casting to your medium. I add them to the container, then add the plant. Then you would add more soil to the container. Make sure that the plant is within soil level, unless it’s a tomato plant then you can plant it deeper. After planting, water heavily from the top.