Category Archives: 365 Project

[Day 30] growing hot peppers

After 30 days since sowing the seeds. At this time, you should be seeing sprouts of that seed. Don’t worry if you haven’t seen any, some hot peppers will take a long time to sprout. Be patient.

Water the hot peppers is necessary, water the seedlings from the bottom of the cup. To do this, poke a hole on the bottom of the cup. Then get another cup, add water into the cup and put the cup with the plant on top of the second cup.

Some say add fertilizer at this time, I don’t usually add them. It’s up to you if you want to add fertilizer.

You have couple more weeks to wait to see your plant grow more and before transplanting it into a pot.

Be patient!

[52challenge] Week 1 – Self Portrait

Hiking selfie

What a better way to start a new year by introducing who runs this 52 week photography challenge.  My name is Vernon Van, amateur photographer, I’ve been blogging for the past 5 years or so.

I hope 2017 brings a wonderful year with tons of blessings to everyone.

Submit your entry in the comment section below, gain couple visitors. Show us your photos!

[52challenge] 52 Week Photography Challenge

Out of ideas for photography? Why not try this photography challenge. Every week on Sunday, I will post a theme for the week. Join me as I challenge myself for that theme. This theme could be any of your choice, in colored or B&W. It can be captured with DSLR or with mobile.

Here are the lists of themes: (FREE means anything you would like.)

Week 1: Self Portrait
Week 2: Show what you do
Week 3: Favorite Hobby
Week 4: FREE

Week 5: Favorite car
Week 6: Building
Week 7: Nature
Week 8: FREE

Week 9: Hobby you would like
Week 10: Favorite sport
Week 11: Favorite food
Week 12: FREE

Week 13: Street food
Week 14: Animal
Week 15: Stranger. Make sure you ask permission, if needed.
Week 16: FREE

Week 17: Scary
Week 18: Landscape
Week 19: Water
Week 20: FREE

Week 21: Sky
Week 22: Favorite Spot
Week 23: Droplets
Week 24: FREE

Week 25: People
Week 26: Toy
Week 27:
Week 28: FREE

Week 29:
Week 30:
Week 31:
Week 32: FREE

Week 33:
Week 34:
Week 35:
Week 36: FREE

Week 37:
Week 38:
Week 39:
Week 40: FREE

Week 41:
Week 42:
Week 43:
Week 44: FREE

Week 45:
Week 46:
Week 47:
Week 48: FREE

In the month of December, let’s look back from the past month and see your progress, show us your favorites and describe why.
Week 49: Favorite shot. Why?
Week 50: Favorite shot. Why?
Week 51: Favorite shot. Why?
Week 52: Portrait

This list is incomplete, will update in June 2017.

LP: Miles Square Park

I love this regional park, over four miles around. You can walk/run/jog around the park; it has tennis courts, basketball courts, archery, and golf; you can also fish – you need a fishing license, bbq, andpicnic.

This park is family friendly. You can do so much in this park.

copyright - VernonVan Photography

However, the lake is so dirty that you can’t take a dip. Here take a look.

copyright - VernonVan Photography

It might look bad but that is only the portion of the park. With the park so big, you might get lost.

LP: Puppies

My first time of having a pet was when I was a kid, my uncle gave us a dog and my aunt. From that point on, we have a dog in our house. The most pet that we had was 3 dogs, a cat, 2 hamsters that grew to about 20.

Our house wag big and so was the number of pet that we are taking care of, it was fun playing with them in the living room or in the kitchen where we got an extractor from so they are not bothered for the smells so much as dogs have really sensitive noses. Sometimes, they gave us a headache but it’s still fun.

Right now, we have three dogs: two male and a female, and a puppy. We also believe that our dog is pregnant, again. It’s going to be a pain again trying to find who will want a puppy. Luckily, some of our friends wanted puppy so we gave them away.

copyright – VernonVan Photography

This is the father

copyright – VernonVan Photography

This was taken when they were about 2 months old or probably younger.

*update: The puppy that we had died this morning, we are not sure why he died. He was the first born puppy and he was the chubbiest and the cutest too. 🙁
Do you have a pet? How many? If not, do you want one?