This was supposed to be my entry to my school’s art contest but I decided not to because I’m not sure if this photograph is even worth it.

I took this shot a week after I heard about the art contest going on in my school, one of the category says commercial. I was about to wash my hand in our kitchen sink when I noticed the splash that it creates when the water hit something, and I told myself that this might be a good idea and use a coke can for this.
Instead of water splashing, it would be coke. I would use about two cans of coke for this but I said, it’s a waste so I decided to use water instead.
I grabbed my camera and my first shot and I was impressed so I played around with the setting and every shot I was liking it and I told myself, it’s the same image but different effect so I stopped ending up with this one.
What do you think of the image?
I like the image.