Psychiatric Technician

Psychiatric Technician, what is it?

What do they do? Who do they take care of? Under what board do they follow? Where do they work?

According to psychtechs.orgPsychiatric Technicians are mental health employees who provide hands-on care to people with varying degrees of mental illnesses and/or developmental disabilities. They perform a vital, front-line function in all healthcare settings as they observe, treat and interact with patients — often more than any other staff.

Psych Techs are under the BVNPT, which falls under the Vocational Nursing or LVN.

In other words, LVNs are 75% nursing, 25% psych and Psych Techs are 75% psych, 25% nursing.

Psych Techs can work in a state hospital, jail/prison settings, group home/facility, psychiatric hospital.

If you want to help individuals who has mental illness, such as: depression, schizophrenia, bipolar or with developmental disability, such as: autism, then Psych Tech is for you. You will enjoy this field working with these individuals.

In California, there are several colleges that offer Psychiatric Technician class. Check your local community college for classes.

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